Monday, October 22, 2007

The various ways to communicate through Bebo

Bebo is a hive of activity, filled with add ons that enable individuals to communicate to one another. A popular method of communication is by writing on a friends whiteboard. This is where comments can be made, that are visable to everyone that is friends with that person. This is an effective/ safe way for children to communicate as their messages are visable and can be tracked if inappropriate messages are being posted. Using the white board tool also enables you communicate through pictures, this would be a fantastic way to get children to voice their messages/ beliefs in a visual manner.

Children are also able to communicate in a more personal manner, as Bebo includes an emailing tool, where you can send and recieve messages into an inbox, this isn't a real emailing system but it would definately be a fantastic way of faciliating children with experiences to get a feel for communication via emailing.

Emailing is definately a valued method of communication in this day and age, and it is incredibly important that children are able to use it effectively.

Another method of communication is by blogging. Your bebo page has a personal blog, that can be created by you and aded to by your friends. This is a wonderful way of getting children to express their personality, personal beliefs etc, and their friends can add to them.

One of the most powerful elements of Bebo in regards to communication, is the fact that individuals can be searched via a search engine. This is enabling children all over the world to get connected and understand a bit more about their world and how peoples lives differ emensely across the globe. Children can meet other children around the world that like the same music, have the same hobbies, are the same age, or even are distantly related.

Bebo is such a powerful tool to enhance communication skills, I personally believe its use should not be discouraged in schools. When used correctly Bebo's educational potentail is phenomenal!

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